Safeguarding - Barnsley

Safeguarding information for the Barnsley area

About us

NHS Barnsley CCG has a statutory responsibility for ensuring the organisations from which it commissions services provide a safe system that safeguards children and vulnerable adults. 

The CCG has a statutory duty to be a member of the Local Safeguarding Children Board and Safeguarding Adult Board working in partnership with Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council to fulfil its safeguarding responsibilities.

If you suspect a child under the age of 18 who lives in the Barnsley borough is being neglected, mistreated, or abused, you should inform Directorate for Children, Young People and Families.  You can ring the Barnsley social care teams during office hours on 01226 772423 

For out-of-hours (outside office hours, at weekends or on public holidays) for both safeguarding both adults and children, please ring 0844 9841800


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